Freedata Labs is the exclusive distributor of Alterian for Italy

Freedata Labs, technical sponsor of the Social Medial Week, presents ALTERIAN SM2, one of the world’s most advanced Social Intelligence platforms, on February 8th 2011 in Rome.


Freedata Labs presents the Alterian SM2 technology to the Italian market Tuesday 8th February at the Soffitel Villa Borghese at the Social Media Week being held in Rome.
Alterian MS2 is a Business Intelligence Solution that allows sources to draw innovative data that can revolutionize companies’ approach to Marketing Information.

Thanks to the integration of one of the world’s most sophisticated and efficient crawling systems and an instant reporting system, SM2, allows companies direct access to the opinions expressed by their clients on the web, to control the perception of their own Brand, identify key communities and influencers, and direct their clients with ad hoc services as well as generate new sales-leads.

The SM2 platform, presented by Freedata Labs, contains more that 9 billion quotes from social media, blogs, tweets, posts, images and conversations. Data which give a deep insight for each research result and is broken down in 34 different steps from the publish date to the geographic position of the author. The online conversations are constantly examined, indexed and added to the database, which is continually growing and expanding. SM2 collects over 40 million new results each day from every available online source:

Valeria Severini, CEO of Freedata Labs, affirms:
“Thanks to the encounter with Alterian, Freedata Labs looks forward to finally bringing, the technology that was missing to manage Social Media Markteing campaigns, to the Italian market. We are sure that, their platform and our Consultancy expertise, will strongly contribute to the development of this innovative segment of Marketing in Italy and Europe”.

Freedata Labs, as technical partner of the Social Media Week, has implemented the Alterian platform to carry out a Social Intelligence survey on 5 themes selected from those considered to be most in trend on the web in 2011: video calling, mobile blogging, f-commerce, cyber-bullying and Netiquette. The Study in addition, provides, a comparison between Italy, France, UK, USA, Canada, Brazil and Hong Kong and an insight to how users “live” and communicate on these subjects

From this study it emerges that there are significant differences in the conversation volumes between the various countries (e.g. in Italy the conversations are more numerous with respect to the other European countries, whereas it is in line with the US) and a strong difference in the approach to the various themes. The conversations in Italy tend to be more argumentative and scandal mongered, especially relatively to cyber bullying and netiquette. Themes such as video calling in Italy are dealt with mainly from a rate/cost point of view whereas in the Anglo-Saxon countries the conversations underline the impact of these tools versus the media and the relationship between journalism and UGC. The theme that attracts more conversations than any another – in Europe Italy leads the ranking together with France – is F-commerce, which generates enthusiasm and great open mindedness towards the future.

Download the Freedata Lab study:

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