'something', ), $atts ) ); $sql = "select * from $tbl_tweetandgetit_buttons where button_name=\"".trim($name)."\""; $row = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql)); if($wpdb->num_rows == 0) { return ''; } if(strpos($row[0]->file_path,"TWEEGE_FILE:") == 1) { $row[0]->file_path = str_replace(":TWEEGE_FILE:",'',$row[0]->file_path); } $lang = get_bloginfo( "language", "raw" ); $data=array("tweet"=>$row[0]->tweet, "file"=>$row[0]->file_path, "blogger"=>$row[0]->twitter_name, "domain"=>$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], "btnname"=>$row[0]->button_name,"language"=>$lang); $encoded=urlencode(base64_encode(utf8_encode(serialize($data)))); $tweet = urlencode(base64_encode($row[0]->tweet)); $file = urlencode(base64_encode($row[0]->file_path)); $blogger= urlencode(base64_encode($row[0]->twitter_name)); $domain= urlencode(base64_encode($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])); $btnname= urlencode(base64_encode($row[0]->button_name)); $language= urlencode(base64_encode($lang)); $url = "http://tweetandgetit.com/process.php?tweet=$tweet&file=$file&blogger=$blogger&domain=$domain&btnname=$btnname&language=$lang"; $url = "http://tweetandgetit.com/process.php?data=$encoded"; $content.= '

Tweet&getit is powered by Viuu

'; return $content; } function tweegi_btnslist($page,$link) { global $wpdb,$tbl_tweetandgetit_buttons; $count_per_page = 10; if( !isset($page) || empty($page) || $page <= 0) $page = 1; $lim1 = ($page-1)*$count_per_page; $lim2 = $count_per_page; $result = $wpdb->get_row(" SELECT count( * ) as count_all FROM ".$tbl_tweetandgetit_buttons); $count_all = $result->count_all; $last_page = ceil($count_all/$count_per_page); $rows = $wpdb->get_results(" SELECT * FROM ".$tbl_tweetandgetit_buttons." Limit $lim1,$lim2;"); $previous_page = $page - 1; if($previous_page < 1) $previous_page = 1; $next_page = $page + 1; if($next_page > $last_page) $next_page = $last_page; // loop $i = $page - 3; if( $i < 1) $i = 1; $loop_count = 1; if($i >1) { $previous_page = $i-1; } else { $previous_page = 1; } echo '
'; $count = $wpdb->num_rows; $op=explode("?",$_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); foreach ($rows as $row) { if(strpos($row->file_path,":TWEEGE_FILE:") == 0) { $row->file_path = basename(str_replace(":TWEEGE_FILE:",'',$row->file_path)); } echo ' '; } $loop_count = 1; $i = $page -2; if($i < 1) $i = 1; echo '
'.__("Button name",TWEEGI_TRASNLATE).' '.__("Shortcode",TWEEGI_TRASNLATE).' '.__("File",TWEEGI_TRASNLATE).' '.__("Edit",TWEEGI_TRASNLATE).' '.__("Delete",TWEEGI_TRASNLATE).'
'.$row->button_name.' '.$row->shortcode.' '.$row->file_path.' '.__("Edit",TWEEGI_TRASNLATE).' '.__("Delete",TWEEGI_TRASNLATE).'
'; } function tweegi_delete_buttons() { if ( isset($_POST['bids'])) { $url = $_POST['url']; $page = $_POST['page']; $bids = trim($_POST['bids'],","); global $wpdb,$tbl_tweetandgetit_buttons; $sql = "delete from ".$tbl_tweetandgetit_buttons." where id in (".$bids.")"; if($wpdb->query($sql)) { // show button list again tweegi_btnslist($page,$url); } } die(); } function tweegi_buttons_list_callback($p='',$l='') { if(isset($_POST['page'])) $page = $_POST['page']; else $page = $p; if(isset($_POST['link'])) $link = $_POST['link']; else $link = $l; tweegi_btnslist($page,$link); die(); } function tweegi_action_callback() { global $wpdb,$tbl_tweetandgetit_buttons; // this is how you get access to the database $tweet = $_POST['t']; $btn = trim($_POST['bname']); $tname= $_POST['tname']; $file=$_POST['f']; $location=$_POST['l']; $mode=$_POST['mode']; $bid=$_POST['bid']; if ($location == "local") { $file = ":TWEEGE_FILE:".TWEEGI_UPLOAD_URL."/".basename($file); } $shortcode = '[tweegi-button name="'.$btn.'"]'; if($mode=="add") { $sql_insert = "insert into ".$tbl_tweetandgetit_buttons." values('','$tname','$btn','$tweet','$file','$shortcode')"; $out=$wpdb->query($sql_insert); } else if($mode=="edit") { if(strlen($_POST['f'])>0) $update_string=",file_path='$file'"; $sql_update = "update ".$tbl_tweetandgetit_buttons." set twitter_name='$tname',tweet='$tweet' ".$update_string." where id=$bid;"; $out=$wpdb->query($sql_update); } if(is_bool($out) && $out == false) { echo "
".__("Failed to $mode button, change button name and try again",TWEEGI_TRASNLATE)."!
"; } else if (!$out) { echo "
".__("Failed to $mode button, change some button attributes and try again",TWEEGI_TRASNLATE)."!
"; } else { echo "

".__("Your button is ready",TWEEGI_TRASNLATE)." !
".__("copy / paste this code in your posts, pages and widgets",TWEEGI_TRASNLATE)." !

'; } die(); } ?> Freedatalabs.com
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  • Freedata

    Freedata Labs helps companies develop Digital Marketing projects by defining and implementing digital and Social Media strategies.

    Our strategies are based on information that emerges analysing conversations intercepted on the web (Web Listening), indications obtained from the critical interpretation of our analysts (Social Intelligence) and the expert advice offered by our Digital and Social Media Strategists.

    Working with Freedata Labs means the guarantee of always finding the most efficient strategies to reach targets like increased awareness, brand reputation, sales positioning and customer loyalty.

    To us, Social Media channels are a place where clients and companies can relate. Our projects are created to engage users, or (potential) clients, on Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, G+, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. in the most effective manner to reach the desired results.

    Working with Freedata Labs means being able to listen to the web in 24 languages, including Chinese. It means being able to count on years of experience in developing international digital strategy projects. It means being able to enter new markets with essential information related to the local digital environment.

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